灾难,紧急 & 疏散计划


In case of an ongoing emergency or other need to broadcast up to the minute information, 这所大学有一个 安全警报系统

设计这个系统是为了让大学通知所有教员, 学生, 和员工在短时间内. 这些信息将以语音邮件的形式传播, 电子邮件, 发送短信的电话号码多达5个,这些电话号码是由教员提供的, 工作人员, 或学生. 收到信息后,按照指示去做. The message will follow a voice recording: "This is a message from 亚洲博彩平台 安全...“请遵照所有指示. You may receive several messages as all communication is disseminated via all numbers provided to us.   


Notification regarding cancellations and evacuations will be sent to each person through the campus email system.


To obtain information regarding dates and times to return to work/class, please contact 888-820-4636.


If used by departments a phone tree should be implemented following either notification to evacuate or for return to work information.  Please ensure that someone in each department is assigned to notify off-campus employees and/or adjunct faculty.


龙卷风和飓风会造成严重的人员伤亡和破坏. 制作任何东西都非常困难, 除了为龙卷风做常规准备, 因为它们的不可预测性和缺乏可靠的预警信息. 飓风, 然而, generally allow for sufficient lead time to take actions that minimize losses and contribute to timely recovery.




This is the first warning that a hurricane is a definite threat to a portion of the Florida East Coast. The watch is usually given 48 hours 暴风雨前 is expected to hit the coast. 飓风的登陆还不确定,广大地区都已发出警报. 这是为风暴做初步准备的时间.
Normally issued 36 hours 暴风雨前 is expected to strike the coast (Space Coast). 更准确的登陆预测,更窄的地理边界.

亚洲博彩平台应该被列入飓风观察名单吗, 学生 are requested to keep their radio or television tuned to one of the stations listed in this section for up-to-date information on the hurricane.


  • 所有电气设备(音响、电脑、收音机等).)应放在地板上并拔掉插头.
  • 所有松散的物品应放在抽屉或储物柜里. 文件、书籍等.,不能放在桌子上.
  • 所有窗户都要关紧并锁好,窗帘也要拉上.
  • Valuables should be placed in lockable drawers or lockers and should remain locked throughout the storm. 当住户不在房间时,门应锁上.
  • 学生 who own cars should set the emergency brake and put the car in park or reverse gear. 所有窗户都要关好,车也要锁好.
  • 公寓内不得存放任何类型的机动车辆. This is a violation of local fire codes and endangers residents in neighboring apartments. 在公寓内发现的任何车辆将被移走,费用由业主承担.
  • 学生 should supply their own battery powered flashlights (have extra batteries) in case of power failure. Candles or other flame type lighting should not be used under any circumstance; fire is uncontrollable 在 a hurricane.
  • Panther Dining Hall will be the center for all food service activity 在 a hurricane emergency period.
  • The last meal served at Panther Dining Hall will end a minimum of 12 hours before the expected landfall of the storm. 取决于风暴的严重程度(一级或更高), “survival bags” of snack food and water will be issued 在 the last meal service.
  • 当拿起食物和水供应, 学生 and 工作人员 remaining in the area will be identified and asked to state where they intend to stay 在 the storm. 这些信息将被转发给安全部门.
  • 补充所有药物并随身携带. 
  • Local residents are strongly encouraged to go to their homes for the duration of the storm and to notify the Residence Life 工作人员 before departure. 万一发生飓风, all 学生 are encouraged to contact their parents/legal guardians regarding their evacuation plans.
  • 万一发生飓风, all 学生 are strongly encouraged to seek appropriate shelter off campus for the duration of the storm and to notify the Residence Life 工作人员 before departure. 除了, all 学生 are asked to contact their parents/legal guardians regarding their evacuation plans.


  • 如果学校没有疏散校园/关闭住宿设施, it is essential that all residents who have chosen to remain on campus stay indoors throughout the entire hurricane. Residents must not leave their living units unless directed by the Residence Life 工作人员. Depending on the severity of the storm, campus curfews may be in effect 在 and after the storm.
  • 在风暴最猛烈的时候保证最大的安全, 居民应关上门,待在走廊里. 如果你不熟悉飓风, 当风眼经过该地区时,风暴中总会有一段间歇期. 一旦眼睛穿过, 暴风雨又开始了, 但是风从相反的方向吹过来.
  • 远离危险区域,如玻璃窗. 不要试图打开门或窗户看看发生了什么.
  • 向你的RA报告所有事故、伤害、破窗和积水.
  • 只有在紧急情况下才能打电话.
  • “飓风派对”是不允许的. 不要喝酒. 每个人在飓风期间都需要清晰地思考.

除上述程序外, 索斯盖特公寓的住户, 哥伦比亚的村庄, 及哈里斯村须遵守以下程序:

  • Fill cooking containers with water for drinking purposes and store them in your refrigerator.
  • 在浴缸里放半满的水,用来洗衣服、冲马桶等.,以防供水中断.
  • Have enough canned food and other non-perishable food on hand to last at least three (3) days. 注意:不要依赖使用电动开罐器.


疏散 of the campus may be ordered by the Brevard County Emergency Management Division or depending on the severity of the storm, 学校得疏散校园、关闭住宿设施. The campus and/or residential facilities will remain closed until such time as all services have been restored and it has been deemed safe to reopen.

负责灾难规划的布里瓦德县当局是 "紧急情况管理和通讯司" 在罗克利奇雪松街1746号. 该设施的电话号码是321-637-6670, 灾害期间的咨询电话:321-637-6674.


  • 舍伍德小学,墨尔本邮政路2541号
  • 贝赛德高中,1901年德格鲁特路西南,棕榈湾

If, 暴风雨前, 学生 are concerned for their safety and would prefer to go to an evacuation center, 他们应该这样做, 但首先应通知家长/法定监护人他们的意图.  记得带上所有的药物. 学生应自备洗漱用品, 衣服, 毯子, pillows and food; generally, 收容所不会提供任何服务.

Those who own and operate motor vehicles should transport themselves to the evacuation site and offer transportation to others. The university will provide limited shuttle service to the designated shelter as long as it is determined to be safe to provide said transportation. 班车时刻表将张贴在豹餐厅, 住宅设施, 以及安全部门. The university reserves the right to make emergency reassignments and/or restrict access to residence halls/apartments before, 在, 或者在任何风暴之后.

There will be no refund of charges or fees for the time the university is closed due to hurricanes, 龙卷风, 或者其他自然灾害. 一旦校园被下令疏散, 学校不是指定庇护所,也不会为任何人提供庇护所.



  • WMMB 1240 KHZ
  • Wtai 1560 KHZ


  • 第二频道
  • WKMG第六频道
  • WFTV第九频道


  • WFIT 89.5兆赫
  • WRLQ 99.3兆赫
  • WGGD 102.3兆赫
  • WHKR 102.7
  • WAIA 107.1兆赫兹


More information about hurricanes and procedures can be found on the following Web sites:


Before the storm, develop a plan for you and your family at home, work, school and when outdoors. 通过收听天气预报,掌握即将来临的风暴移动情况. 有美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的气象无线电接收警报吗. 如果计划外出,请收听最新的天气预报并做出相应的计划.

有时,龙卷风发展得如此之快,以至于无法提前预警. 对即将来临的龙卷风保持警惕. 龙卷风的碎片造成了大部分的伤亡. 如果你看到黑暗, 常作绿色天空, 墙云, 大冰雹, 或者听到类似货运列车的轰鸣声, 立即躲起来.


在家中或建筑物中保持安全, 搬到预先指定的避难所, 比如地下室, 最低层的室内房间或走廊, 躲在结实的家具下面. 远离窗户. 远离汽车. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car; instead, leave it immediately. 如果被困在室外或车内,请平躺在附近的沟渠或洼地里.
